Paver Sealing

Professional Paver Sealing Services

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Over time you begin to notice that the colors of your backyard patio or pool deck are not as bright and vibrant as they used to be. You realize that something has to be done, and that is where we come into the picture. Our professional paver sealing solutions will provide ample protection for your walkways, driveways, and many other outdoor paver installations. Bick, concrete, and stone pavers are exposed to sunlight, rain, and other natural phenomena that can lead to costly repairs and maintenance fees, but through our paver sealing services we will quickly and efficiently restore your paver installation to its original luster. Sealers are a great way to prevent physical blemishing and imperfections from occurring, and they repel water, oils, and other chemical contaminants. There are many benefits to our paver sealing services, and if you call one of our professional contractors today, they can tell you everything you need to know. We also offer free estimates!

Types of Pavers

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There are three types of pavers and each of them has its own set of requirements when it comes to professional sealing solutions. Brick, concrete, and natural stone pavers have different attributes that you have to take into account when applying a sealer, and we want to explain everything that you should know.

Brick, Natural Stone, and Concrete Pavers

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Brick Pavers

Although they are very durable and aesthetically elegant, certain structural issues can arise with brick pavers. One thing you need to look out for is discoloration. Sealers can restore the color of brick pavers and make them appear elegant and vibrant like before. Sealers will also restore the extremely slip-resistant surface of brick pavers.

Stone Pavers

Stone pavers are extraordinarily resilient and sturdy (they are more durable than brick and concrete) and they come in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and colors. However, to some degree stone pavers will also degrade and require restoration. Sealers are a great way to preserve the natural beauty and smooth finish of stone pavers.

metallic epoxy floor coating
metallic epoxy floor system

Concrete Pavers

Concrete pavers are the most affordable and versatile of the three types of pavers, as they offer a lot of flexibility in terms of their design and architectural resilience. Concrete pavers however can be very susceptible to damage and physical blemishing if they are properly maintained. We highly recommend that you periodically apply a sealer to any concrete installation because there is a good chance that they will degrade and deteriorate over time.

Paver sealings offer a great deal of protection and they can adequately restore your brick, stone, or concrete pavers! Make an appointment with us today!

The Many Benefits of Paver Sealing


Inevitably, your brick, concrete, or stone pavers will deteriorate and degrade, and you must stay ahead of the game by periodically applying sealers to your paver installation. Sealers will prevent the material from becoming structurally compromised because it repels dirt, grime, and oils. Sealers will also put stop to the aging process and make your paver installation appear brand new and pristine. Bacteria and chemical contaminants can be easily washed away because the sealer prevents moisture, heat, and substances from penetrating the porous surface of the pavers.

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Paver sealings will easily restore the original durability and resilience of the paver material, which will greatly increase and prolong the lifespan of your backyard patio, pool deck, or driveway. Weed growth poses a major threat to paver installations and can corrupt the brick, concrete, or stone material, but our professional sealing solutions will ensure that any unwanted or undesirable foliage will not stand a chance. Water and moisture can also greatly affect the durability of your pavers, but a sealer will fortify and reinforce the paver material from any kind of liquid intrusion.

Improved Appearance

Sealers can greatly improve and revitalize the appearance of your paver installation. Over time the color of your pavers will begin to fade, but our professional sealing services will bring out those vibrant and effervescent colors that made you want to install a paver patio or walkway in the first place. Sealers also enhance the textures and subtle details of your pavers and it will prevent UV rays from altering the color and brightness of your paver installation. Sealers also prevent unsightly weeds and foliage from flourishing.

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Talk to one of our representatives today and they will offer you a free, non-obligatory quote.

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Paver sealings will provide your concrete patio, pool deck, or driveway with a significant amount of resistance to liquids and heat, which helps establish a safe, secure, and stable environment for you and your family. Extreme weather conditions and excess rain will not affect your paver installation in any way, and if salts or oils find their way to your backyard patio or driveway, then they can be easily washed away. Ultimately, you will never have to worry about any potential destruction or physical malformations.

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Preventing Weed Growth

If you do not perform any kind of sealing procedure, then it is very likely that weeds will grow in the joints that connect your pavers. This can eventually lead to structural issues with your paver installation and may end up costing you more money down the line. The sealer effectively hardens the areas in-between the pavers, that way water can enter. Weed growth occurs because there is soil underneath the paver installation and they wriggle their way through the joints and up toward the surface. Sealers however are a sure-fire way to impede weed growth.

Professional Paver Sealing Services

The Pros and Cons of Paver Sealing Services

metallic epoxy garage floor

The Cons of Paver Sealing

Although paver sealing is a vital service and it effectively combats weed growth and prevents structural defects, there are some drawbacks that you should know about. Paver sealings can costly depending on how frequently you are applying the sealer; inexpensive sealers tend to wear out and break down much quicker, which means that you will have to reapply more often. The brand and performance of the sealer you use will determine the frequency with which you will need to apply the sealer. Also, sealers can potentially contaminate your garden or your lawn if you overspray it. We always recommend that you apply sealer on a clear sunny day when there is not a lot of wind.

metallic epoxy garage floor coating

The Pros of Paver Sealing

Paver Sealing come switch many benefits that we believe outweigh the drawbacks. Sealers offer a great deal of protection, which will greatly improve the durability and resilience of your paver installation and will also prolong its lifespan. Sealers will also restore your brick, stone, or concrete pavers to their original. The colors will be bright and vibrant like they were when you initially installed your pavers, and you will once again appreciate the appearance of your backyard patio, pool deck, or an outdoor walkway. Sealers will also prevent the occurrence of weed growth and staining.

Metallic epoxy floors

Other Information You Should Know

It is important that you re-stabilize the interlocking joints that keep the pavers in place, and our sealing services will prevent any displacements from happening. Weather and insects can cause the pavers to move around and become structurally compromised, but sealers will keep everything in its place and prevent any mishaps from happening. Satin removal also becomes a lot easier through our professional sealing solutions, and sealers should always be applied with a low-pressure sprayer to prevent contamination.

Frequently Asked Questions


How long will it take to seal my pavers?

That depends on the weather and the layout of your paver installation. Typically paver sealings take about two days to perform, and that is because we remove any dirt and weed growth before we blow off the sand and begin applying the sealer. We usually apply two coats of sealer, but this will also depend on the porosity of the paver material. We recommend that you wait twenty-four hours after the sealer is applied before walking on top of the pavers.


How often will I need to seal my pavers?

We tell all of our clients that the should reseal their pavers periodically (once every 1 to 4 years depending on the materials of the pavers) and we strongly recommend that consult with a landscaper to determine the appropriate sealer to use for future applications. We also want to warn you against using inexpensive sealers because they tend to be very ineffective.

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