What You Can Expect From Professional Concrete Foundation Installations
A lot of planning and preparation goes into pouring concrete and building foundations for your home or any other specific structure. You also have certain budgetary restrictions and you need to execute everything properly so that you can avoid any major mishaps. There are many variables to the process and you should understand everything it entails.
A Multi-Step Process
There are plenty of steps to the process of going about a professional concrete foundation installation. Any reputable contractor will closely adhere to the following:
- Picking a site to build the foundation. You want to examine the current conditions of the soil before you begin digging and preparing the area. With certain types of soil, you will also require certain specifications when it comes to the concrete material used for the foundation. If the soil is completely compromised, then you may need to pick another site for the installation. A professional contractor is always in the best position to advise on your best options moving forward.
- Survey your lot and then begin digging. This is done so that you can determine the exact parameters of the installation. This includes the corners and borders of the concrete foundation. Your contractor will then carry out any digging that is necessary during the installation process. This is also when your contractor will install the footings. They are usually made of rebar which will reinforce the structure and protect your foundation by preventing it from settling. It is worth noting that footings are important in areas with troublesome soil.
- Seal off the footings. This will prevent moisture from compromising the material. A professional contractor will use a high-end sealer. If you are undergoing a DIY project for your concrete foundation installation, you should consult a professional on how you can obtain a premium sealer.
- After you pour the concrete and allow it to dry and cure, you will want to create stem-wall slabs. Most masonry experts will begin at the corners of the foundation and work their way inward. A professional builder will follow certain procedures/methods to establish a straight and level wall so that everything is consistent. We want to mention, however, that stem-wall slabs are usually the next step in conjoining your home’s foundation with the vertical walls of the structure.
- Also, for good measure, you should apply a couple of coatings of sealer to keep out the moisture. You can always immediately apply an acrylic-based sealer once the concrete finishes drying and curing.
The Cost of Concrete Foundation Installations
Commercial and Residential Installations
The Benefits of Concrete Foundation Installations
Design and Maintenance
A Few (Minor) Drawbacks of Concrete Foundations
With all this being said, even with rebar reinforcement, the soil underneath the slab can potentially settle and create a void. If this happens, then the concrete slab won’t have enough flexural strength to fill in the recess. Furthermore, while concrete does possess incredible strength, it also happens to have poor tensile strength. This means that the material doesn’t bend very well, which makes it liable to crack and fracture. However, if a crack or any physical defect does take form in your home’s foundation, then you can easily repair it. You also don’t need to be an expert to carry out any repairs yourself. You can easily fill in cracks with epoxy resins or mortar patching compounds. However, the soil underneath your concrete slab is what’s causing the cracks, which is why you should consider addressing the soil first to resolve the issue permanently.
Have any questions regarding concrete foundation installations? You can always give us a call and one of our professional contractors will provide you with all the answers you need. They can also explain some of the intricacies of pouring and building a concrete foundation for your home.